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Celebrating 50 years of friendship
Life after OB

In November 2023, a special 50th-anniversary dinner was held in the Anakiwa Dining Hall. The guests of honour were students of Hillary 111 - the first group of women to attend an Outward Bound course, and the watch remains a tight-knit group to this day.

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Wills Month in Aotearoa New Zealand
Inspirational Fundraising Scholarship Recipients

September is Wills Month in Aotearoa and is a good reminder of the importance of having a Will and updating it regularly. This month, we would love for you to consider including a gift in your will to Outward Bound.

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Empowering Youth Through Regional Schools Courses
Inspirational Life after OB

Our Schools Courses give power back to the community, helping to shape the next generation of leaders. Learn how you can get involved in our fully funded 21-day schools courses.

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Whakatipu Programme: A focus on work readiness for rangatahi

With over 60,000 students leaving school in Aotearoa each year, the transition from secondary education marks a pivotal life moment How can we teach them the skills needed for their journey to employment?

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Course Spotlight - Youth Horizons

Our Adapted courses are always a highlight in the calendar. Enabling New Zealanders with intellectual and physical disabilities to have a typical Outward Bound experience is just as inspiring and rewarding for our staff as it is for the students taking part and their whānau.

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Outward Bound Expanding to the Coromandel

Opening a second school is part of our commitment to making our courses as accessible to as many New Zealanders as possible. We're currently looking for a possible location on the western Coromandel Peninsula for our second school.